Now available: Notes from the Thursday Night Group

Notes from the Thursday Night Group was originally a booklet printed in limited copies and sold at the U-Con gaming convention a decade ago.  The booklet is written as a series of vignettes that offer a rare glimpse into both the everyday events and the secret rituals that are intrinsic to the vast and richly detailed world of Professor M.A.R. Barker's Tékumel. These stories were taken from games played by the Thursday Night Group in Professor Baker's home. Rather than entire game sessions, these are highlights taken from gaming sessions that include a day at the Hirilákte arena, witnessing a midnight ritual of the mysterious Pé Chói, notes on the hideous hybrid people of the Nyaggá, and a detailed account of a ritual of revivification and an after-death experience in the Isles of Teretané.

While this is a slender volume, it provides never  before published primary information, making it an invaluable resource for the game masters and those who wish to learn more about the vast world of Tékumel.  By purchasing it, you will help us make other Tekumel material available in the future.  Currently, a softcover version is available; a hard-cover version will be added in the very near future.  Order your copy today!