Plans for 2016

The first post of 2016 for the Foundation blog is about the Foundation’s plans for the upcoming year.  2015 was a successful year: it saw a whole range of activities and events, including Tékumel tracks at several conventions, the re-release of The Man of Gold and The Tékumel Sourcebook, a new web-based text game, Choice of the Petal Throne, and a lot more.  We thought it would be good to provide an outline of what the Foundation plans to accomplish in 2016.  Here goes:

  1. We will continue to re-release material previously produced, including the following: the TSR edition of Empire of the Petal Throne in a print-on-demand format; the Swords & Glory Player's Handbook; The Northwest Area Frontier Maps and Gazetteer; Flamesong; The Lords of Tsamra; the Dlash Gazetteer and the Book of Ebon Bindings
  2. We also will release previously unpublished material, including the “mimeo” Empire of the Petal Throne in a print-on-demand format, the Jakallan Underworld, and Armies of the Five Empires.
  3. We will continue working with existing licensees, including: Jeff Dee and Unigames, providing support for Bethorm support material; John Till and his planned FATE of Tékumel adventures; James Maliszewski and the The Excellent Travelling Volume; Choice of Games and possible follow-ups to Choice of the Petal Throne; The Tékumel Project with new and existing miniatures offerings
  4. We will continue supporting Tékumel activities and events at conventions, including, but not limited to, the following list: Con of the North (Twin Cities, MN); Gary Con (Lake Geneva, WI); Convergence (Twin Cities, MN); Celesticon (SF, CA); Gamehole Con (Madison, WI), and U-Con Gaming Convention (Ypsilanti, MI). If you are interested in running events at these or other conventions, please let us know – we want to help make your event a success.

To accomplish all this, we want to spread the word about the world of Tékumel, through websites, podcasts, and other media.  If you know of specific opportunities, such as the recent Conlangery podcast, get in touch with the Foundation and we can arrange to have a Foundation representative available.

Lastly, we are always interested in proposals for new material related to Tékumel. If you'd like to license your product idea and are willing to work with the Foundation on its development, we want to work with you to make your idea part of the creative legacy of Prof. Barker – the world of Tékumel.  Please contact the Foundation at - thank you!